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The WEB-Method

The WEB-Method

The WEB-method uses tensor product B-splines on regular grids.

Hence, in contrast to standard finite element techniques, it is not necessary to construct a mesh for the simulation domain. This eliminates an often rather difficult and time consuming preprocessing step.

With B-splines, the approximation order and smoothness can be chosen arbitrarily, so that very accurate solutions are obtained already with comparatively few parameters. Moreover, the WEB-method provides a natural link to the standard geometry description in CAD- and CAM-systems.

The construction of the WEB-basis is straightforward. The relevant B-splines are classified into inner and outer B-splines, depending on the size of their support in the simulation region. To stabilize the basis, the outer B-splines are adjoined to the inner B-splines by forming appropriate linear combinations. This is a crucial step. The coupling coefficients are chosen, so that the local support and the approximation power of the B-splines are retained. An optional weighting of the basis functions permits the exact fulfilment of essential boundary conditions.

For a precise definition of WEB-splines and a description of their properties we refer to our publications.

The WEB-splines were developed by:

Last modification: 2005/09/27 08:55:01 UTC.

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